Monday, February 13, 2012

Middle Eastern Religion- Islam

Terrorists, the moment a person hears this word, they think about Islam. Media has injected into the viewer’s mind that Islam means violence. People need to open their eyes and understand that Islam means peace and unity.  The religion Islam is practiced by the Muslims across the Middle Eastern countries. The main duties of Muslims are to follow the five pillars of Islam.

* The first most important Pillar is called Kalima, which is the confession of the faith.
* The second Pillar is Namaz, where Muslims pray five times a day.
* The third Pillar is Roza, fasting of the month of Ramadan.
* The fourth Pillar is Zakat, where Muslims give charity.
* The last Pillar is Hajj, which is the pilgrimage to Hajj (Mecca).

These five pillars of Islam are the basic steps to become a Muslim. None of these pillars had to do anything with violence. In fact, in Islam it clearly states that the biggest sin is to take someone’s life. Terrorists who kill innocents are not Muslims. Next time when you hear about terrorist, you shouldn’t think about Islam. 

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