Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Afghan food- Bolani

Bolani is one of my favorite Afghan food appetizers. Bolani is made from two different ingredients such as boiled potatoes, chopped onions, dough and vegetable oil for frying. My mother usually makes it with green part of the leek or spinach because it’s tastier and healthier that way. Bolani is served with fresh homemade yogurt, homemade hot sauce, or Chutney sauce. Bolani is mostly served for special guests and in special parties. Whenever my aunts come over, my mother cooks this delicious meal for them. Middle Eastern people mostly serve this tasty food during the fasting month of Ramadan. It makes a perfect meal during Ramadan because Bolani is light and it doesn’t full someone quickly.

1 comment:

  1. At first glance, I thought this dish looked like it could be related to the quesadilla. But after reading it's ingredients, it is actually quite different. The description of the bolani and the pictures made me want to go out and find a restaurant that serves it. I love the fact that it gets topped with homemade yogurt and hot sauce. My only question is do they ever make it with some type of meat, such as beef or lamb?

