Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Middle Eastern -Guests n Food

Middle Eastern people love to serve their guests several different kinds of food. Guests are always welcomed in families at any time with or without a notice in advance. If a guest comes to someone's house without a prior notice, the host tries their best to cook the best food possible without showing any disrespect to the guest. However, if the guest informs the host in advance, the host prepares different types of meal to please and impress their guest. I’ve noticed in other cultures particularly in western culture, unexpected guests might be seen as rude or as inappropriate but not in Middle Eastern culture. Guests are always welcomed in families and well served. Serving no food for the guests is very uncommon and considered rude. Whenever we have guests over, my mother makes the most delicious Afghan meals and serves her guests with respect. Two of my favorite Afghan meals are Qabuli Palow (rice) and Bolani (appetizer).

Traditional Afghan Food- Qabuli Palow

Qabuli Palow is the national dish of Afghanistan and is very popular in the Middle East. Although there are many different kinds of Palow, the Afghan version is known to be the most rich and fulfilling. Qabuli Palow is basically a combination of rice, lamb meat, carrots, raisins and nuts. Traditionally Afghans cook this rice with large pieces of lamb, but it is equally delicious when it's made with beef. There is even a vegetarian version of this Palow for those who are vegetarian. Qabuli Palow makes a perfect meal for every occasion. Afghans usually cook this delicious meal during special occasions such as birthdays, weddings and other parties. I personally love this Palow, it’s my favorite. As I am writing about it, I can smell the Palow and it’s making me hungry. If you want to try this delicious food, you should go to De Afghanan restaurant, located in Fremont, CA. They make the tastiest Qabuli Palow ever. I’m sure, once you go there, you’ll get addicted.

Afghan food- Bolani

Bolani is one of my favorite Afghan food appetizers. Bolani is made from two different ingredients such as boiled potatoes, chopped onions, dough and vegetable oil for frying. My mother usually makes it with green part of the leek or spinach because it’s tastier and healthier that way. Bolani is served with fresh homemade yogurt, homemade hot sauce, or Chutney sauce. Bolani is mostly served for special guests and in special parties. Whenever my aunts come over, my mother cooks this delicious meal for them. Middle Eastern people mostly serve this tasty food during the fasting month of Ramadan. It makes a perfect meal during Ramadan because Bolani is light and it doesn’t full someone quickly.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Middle Eastern Religion- Islam

Terrorists, the moment a person hears this word, they think about Islam. Media has injected into the viewer’s mind that Islam means violence. People need to open their eyes and understand that Islam means peace and unity.  The religion Islam is practiced by the Muslims across the Middle Eastern countries. The main duties of Muslims are to follow the five pillars of Islam.

* The first most important Pillar is called Kalima, which is the confession of the faith.
* The second Pillar is Namaz, where Muslims pray five times a day.
* The third Pillar is Roza, fasting of the month of Ramadan.
* The fourth Pillar is Zakat, where Muslims give charity.
* The last Pillar is Hajj, which is the pilgrimage to Hajj (Mecca).

These five pillars of Islam are the basic steps to become a Muslim. None of these pillars had to do anything with violence. In fact, in Islam it clearly states that the biggest sin is to take someone’s life. Terrorists who kill innocents are not Muslims. Next time when you hear about terrorist, you shouldn’t think about Islam. 

Scarify and Hajj (Mecca)

  • MECCA 

The last pillar of Islam is the visit to the Hajj (Mecca).  Mecca is the most holy place for all Muslims of the world. When a Muslims goes to Hajj, they need to have the right intentions in their hearts to pray and practice Islam. If one goes to Mecca with no right intention, then that person will not gain anything. Scarifies is last stage of Hajj where a true believer would be ready to surrender fully to God by scarifying their dearest things. Muslims need to be able to scarify their most lovable person in the submission of God.  The Prophets Ibrahim had only one son, who he loved and valued the most. When, God called on him to scarify his son. Ibrahim scarified his son Ismail.  

Although Ibrahim was broken hearted by what God had asked him to do, still he obeyed God and scarified his most precious person. This was a test of his faith and submission to God, which every Muslims needs to pass like Ibrahim. The thing or person, which we love the most, is our weakness and it takes our attention away from God and faith. Every Muslim should be able to sacrifices their weakness and become submitted to God. They’re weakness can be anything or any person. Whatever weakens your faith and whatever distracts you from accepting responsibilities; by scarifying, it will prove that you are ready to give up your most valued thing or person just to be true to your faith and to get closer to God.  

Islam Beliefs

The basic belief of Islam is that there is only one God, whose name is Allah in Arabic and Allah is the ruler of the universe. Muslims are supposed to believe in angels. They are supposed to read and follow the holy book, Quran. Muslims are supposed to believe in the Prophets (messengers) Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Dawud (David), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is the final Prophet. Believe in the Day of Judgment: when the life of every human being will be assessed to decide whether they'll go to heaven or hell. Muslims are to believe in Predestination, meaning Allah has already decided what will happen. Muslims believe that this doesn’t stop human beings from making free choices.